I'm constantly trying to look at new blogs to find inspiration and get my creative juices flowing. I work a desk job a few hrs a week so my mind is usually a big blog of nothingness by the time I get to my weekends and get time to work on my mojo and get the juices flowing.
I've been slowing compiling a list of blogs I check out regularly during my breaks and whenever the desire comes on me, and thought I'd share with you....
1. The first one is from a lovely lady called Naomi (great name - same as mine :-)) and she is doing some wonderful things with her little SAHM business Taylored4Baby
I particularly enjoyed her blog about t-shirt dress making (The Warhole Dress x 2) which she was inspired from Made, which takes me to my second inspirational blog....
2. Dana from Made, is one VERY talented lass, she has inspired me on many levels including my latest ongoing attempt at pants for my little boys. Because I have 2 of these little munchkins, I have used once already the tutorial on the basic pants..... They turned out pretty good, though with a bit of practise, I'll give the monster 8 year olds a go as well....

3. This brings me to my third blog.. Cluck Cluck Sew. Alison is from Idaho in the USA, but her quilts are fabulous. They are always so colourful and beautiful. I wish I had half her patience and perseverance. I found her via a link from a friend for this gorgeous autumn pillow....
and now follow her religiously...
4. Now this one might be a little unusual and make you wonder why I follow this.... but without the long story, I have a health condition that requires me to rather vigilant with what I put in my mouth. To be perfectly honest, I (like everyone) do fall off the wagon on occasion but I find a little reading from the wise fingers of Jude, gets me back on track again. The Whole Food Cooking .... very inspiring for me
And until next time... I'll leave you here for now - Naomi
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